Don't Miss the 2nd Annual East Side Landlord Think Small Conference on Wednesday November 9, 2011

I will be the featured speaker at the upcoming East Side Landlord Think Small Conference on Wednesday, November 9, 2011 from 3 pm - 6:30 pm at UW-Milwaukee, Chapman Hall located at 2310 E. Hartford Avenue, in the Regent's Room on the 2nd floor.

This conference is FREE to any and all interested landlords, with a special focus on Milwaukee's East Side landlords.

This conference is composed of 3 componants:

1. Featured Speaker - I will be speaking on the issues of "Causes for Eviction and Termination of Tenancy" and "Notices Terminating Tenancy." You will learn about the 4 basic notices that can be served on a residential tenant in Wisconsin (5 day, 14 day, 28 day and 30 day notices) and when you should be using each notice and why. While no one wants to have to evict a tenant . . . sometimes it is necessary. At the very least, landlords need to become comfortable with the various notice that can be served on a tenant when a tenant breaches his/her rental agreement or the landlord wants to terminate the tenant's tenancy. I will also discuss the proper way to serve a tenant with one of these notices. I will be handing out a detailed 11 page outline on this topic that attendees can take home to refer to when needed in the future. Examples of properly drafted 5 day, 14 day, 28 day, and 30 day notices will also be distributed.

2. Round Table Discussion - This discussion will include a panel of UW-Milwaukee staff, City of Milwaukee staff, myself, and others and will focus on local topics and common problems that East Side landlords encounter.

3. Panel of Experts - The panel will be comprised of members of the Milwaukee Police Department, Campus Police Department, Department of Public Works, Department of Neighborhood Services, and UW-Milwaukee Department of Neighborhood Housing and who will field any questions that you may have.

There will also be time to network with other landlords.

If you are interested in attending please RSVP to Heather Harbach, UW-Milwaukee Neighborhood Relations Liason at (414) 229-4451 or You can also register for the event by clicking here.

I hope to see everyone there!!

Tristan R. Pettit, Esq.

Tristan is the President of Pettit Law Group and focuses his practice in the area of landlord-tenant law representing landlords and property management companies throughout Wisconsin.


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