Business + Commercial Law

Pettit Law Group helps business people get business done. Focusing primarily on the challenges of closely-held companies and their owners, Pettit Law Group provides support in all phases of business, partnership, and corporate law — from startup through merger, acquisition, and sale. Our clients appreciate the responsive and forthright service they get from Pettit Law Group.

Our Business + Commercial Law Services

  • Business Bankruptcy, Workouts, + Creditor's Rights

    • Represent debtors and creditors in chapter 11 cases

    • Assets sales under section 363 of the Bankruptcy Code

    • Represent borrowers in loan workouts

    • Represent Creditors' Committees

    • Preference and fraudulent transfer litigation

    • Winding down your business

  • Corporate + Transactional Practice

    • Purchase and sale of privately held companies

    • Formation and structure of business entities, including operating agreements, and by-laws

    • Drafting of corporate governance policies and procedures

    • Drafting of shareholder agreements

    • Drafting of redemption agreements

    • Succession planning

    • Raising capital

    • Review contracts and loan documents

  • Business Litigation

    • Shareholder and membership disputes

    • Shareholder oppression issues

    • Contract disputes

    • Business dissolution

Our Business + Commercial Law Team

  • David A. McClurg

    Attorney at Law

  • Jennifer M. Hayden

    Attorney at Law

  • David J. Espin

    Attorney at Law

  • Gary D. Koch

    Attorney at Law