Milwaukee County Eviction Court "Odds & Ends"

I wanted to update everyone about some recent news in Milwaukee County Eviction Court. Each of the items are too small for there own blog post, so I thought I would combine them as "Odds & Ends." This might be a regular blog post column in the future : )

1. Out with the old and in with the new -- commissioners, that is.

Most of the court commissioners that had been serving in small claims/eviction court have rotated out onto other assignments. Thh only commissioner that remains from the last group is Court Commissioner Rosa Barillas. Commissioners Julia Vosper, Barry Phillips, and Dennis Cook have all rotated out. The new commissoners include: Grace Flynn, Cedric Cornwall, and Kevin Costello, all of which have served a small claims/eviction court rotation before. Chief Court Commissioner Laura Grambling-Perez will also assist in small claims/eviction court. Since the rotation I have also seen Commissioner Barry Phillips stopping by to help out when needed. However, the court commisioners that are now officially assigned to Eviction court currently are Rosa Barillas, Grace Flynn, Cedric Cornwall and Kevin Costello.

2. New Judge takes over Small Claims calandar as of August 1st

Most judicial rotations last 3 years, but due to the high volume and stress level of small claims court, the rotation for a small claims duty judge is only for one year. As of Agust 1, 2011, Judge Jane Carroll will be rotating into another division and Judge Paul Van Grunsven (currently filling a Felony Drug rotation) will be the new small claims duty judge.

3. Eviction Court closure dates

Eviction court will be closed tomorrow, Thursday, May 5th, and Friday, May 6th. I don't believe that the clerks in the Clerks of Courts office have allowed any cases to be filed for those days -- so expect a higher case load next week.

Eviction Court will also be closed on Thursday, May 12, 2011. Many cases have already been scheduled for that day but since no court commissioners will be available to hear/review/decide any cases, any cases that are currently scheduled for May 12th will need to be rescheduled. As such, if you have any cases scheduled for May 12th (as I do) you still must come to court and the clerks (Henrietta and Dyan) will give you a new court date.

Eviction Court will also be closed on Monday, May 30th, for Memorial Day.

Tristan R. Pettit, Esq.

Tristan is the President of Pettit Law Group and focuses his practice in the area of landlord-tenant law representing landlords and property management companies throughout Wisconsin.


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