Judge Mary Kuhnmuench Will Be New Small Claims/Eviction Judge in Milwaukee County

In Milwaukee County we get a new small claims/eviction judge each year around August 1st or so. Most judicial rotations are three years long but for some reason --- possibly the high volume, tediousness, pro se litigants, stress level --- the small claims judge rotates every year.

Milwaukee County's new small claims/eviction judge effective July 27, 2012, will be Mary M. Kuhnmuench. Judge Kuhnmuench is currently completing her rotation in criminal misdemeanor court.

Judge Kuenhmuench was elected in 1998, and re-elected in both 2004 and 2010. Prior to being a judge she was an Assistant City Attorney in Milwaukee, an in-house corporate attorney at A.O. Smith and and adjunct professor of business law at Alverno College.

Tristan R. Pettit, Esq.

Tristan is the President of Pettit Law Group and focuses his practice in the area of landlord-tenant law representing landlords and property management companies throughout Wisconsin.


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Learn About Wisconsin's New Landlord-Tenant Law At AASEW's Next Meeting on June 18th.