It Is Very Important That Landlords Ensure That They Are Using the Most Current Version of WLB's Landlord Tenant Rental Forms.
It is very important that landlords that are using the landlord-tenant law rental documents/forms that I draft, and which are sold through Wisconsin Legal Blank (WLB), ensure that they are using the most current forms. To aid you in determining if you are using the most current version, WLB just published the document below on their website, so that you know have one place to go to determine if your rental documents are up to date.
Please be assured that I don't revise any of the WLB landlord-tenant forms just for the hell of it. If I revise a rental form, it is for an important reason. In some situations the law has changed and that necessitates the revision. Other times, a Court may make an adverse ruling against a landlord based on some language in the form, and if that landlord brings this to my attention and I can confirm the ruling, that may be the reason for a revision. Sometimes, I simply have come up with a better way to explain something in the rental document or realized that I should address a new issue or topic that will make the rental document better. But there is always an important reason that causes me to revise any of the WLB rental documents. So, if you notice that you are not using the most current version of a rental document, take the time to purchase the updated version and begin using it as soon as possible as allowed under Wisconsin Law, so that you are protected as well as possible.

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