Tristan’s Landlord-Tenant Law Blog

Landlord Boot Camp Tristan R. Pettit, Esq. Landlord Boot Camp Tristan R. Pettit, Esq.

Fall Landlord Boot Camp Announced - October 7, 2017

Hello EveryoneWe have recently selected Saturday, October 7, 2017 for the next Landlord Boot Camp.As you are well aware, Landlording can be pretty complex, with a seemingly never ending myriad of paperwork, rules, landlord-tenant laws and simple mistakes that can cost you thousands. The Apartment Association of Southeastern Wisconsin's Landlord Boot Camp can help you navigate these treacherous waters and learn how to run your properties with ...

Hello Everyone

We have recently selected Saturday, October 7, 2017 for the next Landlord Boot Camp.

As you are well aware, Landlording can be pretty complex, with a seemingly never ending myriad of paperwork, rules, landlord-tenant laws and simple mistakes that can cost you thousands.

The Apartment Association of Southeastern Wisconsin's Landlord Boot Camp can help you navigate these treacherous waters and learn how to run your properties with less hassles.

WHO: Taught by Attorney Tristan Pettit of Petrie + Pettit S.C.

Attorney Tristan Pettit has given similar landlord-tenant law seminars to fellow attorneys, landlords, and property management companies that charge their members $400-$500.
This is your opportunity to learn all of the same information at a huge discount through the Apartment Association .

WHEN: October 7th, 2017

Registration opens at 7:10 am. The seminar is 8:30 am to 5 pm with a half hour lunch break. There will be a one hour question and answer session afterwards, ending promptly at 6 pm. Many will find the Q&A invaluable, therefore you may wish to make arrangements to stay until 6 pm.

WHERE: Clarion Hotel 5311 S. Howell Avenue, Milwaukee [Map]


  • 100 plus page manual to help you put what you learn into practice.


  • AASEW Members - $179
  • Non-Members - $297

Specials: Not an AASEW member? Pay just $1 more than the non member price and receive both the Boot Camp and a 12 month AASEW General Membership including member discounts at Home Depot, Sherwin Williams and more ($298).

Wisconsin landlord-tenant laws are constantly changing. To help keep you up to date those who attended in the past three years receive a $40 discount.

What you will learn at the Apartment Association's Fall 2017 Landlord Boot Camp

Landlord Boot Camp covers everything that you need to know about residential Landlord-Tenant law in Wisconsin, as amended in March 2012 by Act 143, in March 2014 and again in March 2016 with the passage of ACT 176, including:

  1. How to properly screen prospective tenants.
  2. How to draft written screening criteria to assist you in the selection process.
  3. How to comply with both federal and state Fair Housing laws including how to comply with “reasonable modifications" and “reasonable accommodations" requests.
  4. How to legally reject an applicant.
  5. What rental documents you should be using and why.
  6. When you should be using a 5-day notice versus a 14-day notice, 28-day notice, or 30-day notice and how to properly serve the notice on your tenant The Wisconsin Eviction Notices have changed and improved under Act 176, enacted in March 2016.
  7. Everything you wanted to know (and probably even more than you wanted to know) about the Residential Rental Practices (ATCP 134) and how to avoid having to pay double damages to your tenant for breaching ATCP 134.
  8. When you are legally allowed to enter your tenant's apartment.
  9. How to properly draft an eviction summons and complaint.
  10. What to do to keep the commissioner from dismissing your eviction suit.
  11. What you can legally deduct from a security deposit.
  12. How to properly draft a security deposit transmittal / 21-day letter.
  13. How to handle pet damage.
  14. What to do with a tenant's abandoned property and how this may affect whether or not you file an eviction suit.
  15. How to pursue your ex-tenant for damages to your rental property and past due rent (and whether it is even worth it to do so).
  16. An ample question and answer period. This alone is worth the admission.

    . . . and much more.

You get all this for less than you would pay for an hour of an attorney's time.

This past Spring's Landlord Boot Camp was sold out and we had to turn people away. So call early to reserve your spot.

Call the Association at (414) 276-7378 or email us at today to reserve your spot.

Remember that “landlording" is a business — so take the time to educate yourself on how to better manage your business and avoid costly errors!

I hope to see many of you there.


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AASEW, Seminars, Landlord Boot Camp Tristan R. Pettit, Esq. AASEW, Seminars, Landlord Boot Camp Tristan R. Pettit, Esq.

AASEW's Fall Landlord Boot Camp Announced - October 29, 2016

The AASEW's Fall Landlord Boot Camp has recently been announced. This will be the 14th Boot Camp.This Boot Camp will be a very important one as I will be covering two new topics that are very important.1. We will discuss the new Landlord Tenant Law (Act 176) and its effects including the "crime-free" provisions, and2. We will discuss HUD's new directive regarding the use of an applicant's criminal history in ...

The AASEW's Fall Landlord Boot Camp has recently been announced. This will be the 14th Boot Camp.

This Boot Camp will be a very important one as I will be covering two new topics that are very important.

1. We will discuss the new Landlord Tenant Law (Act 176) and its effects including the "crime-free" provisions, and

2. We will discuss HUD's new directive regarding the use of an applicant's criminal history in the screening process.

Our last Boot Camp sold out several weeks before the event so if you are interested I would encourage you to sign up early.

It is important to remember that landlording can be pretty complex, with a seemingly never ending myriad of paperwork, rules, landlord-tenant laws and simple mistakes that can cost you thousands. In fact as we speak a new landlord-tenant bill is being debated in Madison.

The Apartment Association of Southeastern Wisconsin's 14th “Landlord Boot Camp" can help you navigate these treacherous waters and learn how to run your properties with greater profit and less hassles.

Who: Taught by Attorney Tristan Pettit, who drafts many of the landlord tenant forms for Wisconsin Legal Blank.

Attorney Tristan Pettit has given similar landlord-tenant law seminars to fellow attorneys, landlords, and property manager organizations that charge their members $300-$400. This is your opportunity to learn all of the same information at a huge discount through the Apartment Association

When: Saturday, October 29, 2016 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM Registration opens at 7:00 AM

Where: Clarion Hotel 5311 S. Howell Avenue, Milwaukee [Map]

Included: 100 plus page manual to help you put what you learn into practice.


  • Members $179
  • Non-Members $297

What you will learn at the Apartment Association's 2016 Landlord Boot Camp

Landlord Boot Camp covers everything that you need to know about residential Landlord Tenant law in Wisconsin, as amended in April 2012 by Act 143, again in March 2014 by Act 76 and again in March 2016 by Act 176, including:

1. How to properly screen prospective tenants

2. How to draft written screening criteria to assist you in the selection process

3. How to comply with both federal and state Fair Housing laws including how to comply with “reasonable modifications" and “reasonable accommodations" requests

4. How to legally reject an applicant

5. What rental documents you should be using and why

6. When you should be using a 5-day notice versus a 14-day notice, 28-day notice, or 30-day notice and how to properly serve the notice on your tenant

7. Everything you wanted to know (and probably even more than you wanted to know) about the Residential Rental Practices (ATCP 134) and how to avoid having to pay double damages to your tenant for breaching ATCP 134

8. When you are legally allowed to enter your tenant's apartment

9. How to properly draft an eviction summons and complaint

10. What to do to keep the commissioner from dismissing your eviction suit

11. What you can legally deduct from a security deposit

12. How to properly draft a security deposit transmittal / 21 day letter

13. How to handle pet damage

14. What to do with a tenant's abandoned property and how this may affect whether or not you file an eviction suit

15. How to pursue your ex-tenant for damages to your rental property and past due rent (and whether it is even worth it to do so)

There will also be an ample question and answer period. This alone is worth the admission.. . . and much more.

Our Spring session was sold out weeks before the event, so if you are interested in attending please consider signing up early to avoid missing this important seminar.

Call the Association at (414) 276-7378 or email us at or sign up online at today to reserve your spot.

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AASEW, Seminars, Landlord Boot Camp Tristan R. Pettit, Esq. AASEW, Seminars, Landlord Boot Camp Tristan R. Pettit, Esq.

Landlord Boot Camp Is Just Around The Corner - February 20, 2016

The AASEW's (Early) Spring Landlord Boot Camp is just around the corner. Can you believe that this will be our 13th Boot Camp seminar? Landlording can be pretty complex, with a seemingly never ending myriad of paperwork, rules, landlord-tenant laws and simple mistakes that can cost you thousands. In fact as we speak a new landlord-tenant bill is being debated in Madison.The Apartment Association of Southeastern ...

The AASEW's (Early) Spring Landlord Boot Camp is just around the corner. Can you believe that this will be our 13th Boot Camp seminar?

Landlording can be pretty complex, with a seemingly never ending myriad of paperwork, rules, landlord-tenant laws and simple mistakes that can cost you thousands. In fact as we speak a new landlord-tenant bill is being debated in Madison.

The Apartment Association of Southeastern Wisconsin's 13th “Landlord Boot Camp" can help you navigate these treacherous waters and learn how to run your properties with greater profit and less hassles.

Who: Taught by Attorney Tristan Pettit, who drafts many of the landlord tenant forms for Wisconsin Legal Blank.

Attorney Tristan Pettit has given similar landlord-tenant law seminars to fellow attorneys, landlords, and property manager organizations that charge their members $300-$400. This is your opportunity to learn all of the same information at a huge discount through the Apartment Association

When: February 20, 2016 Saturday 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM Registration opens at 7:00 AM

Where: Clarion Hotel 5311 S. Howell Avenue, Milwaukee [Map]

Included: 100 plus page manual to help you put what you learn into practice.


  • Members $159
  • Non-Members $249

Wisconsin landlord-tenant laws are constantly changing. To help keep you up to date those who attended in the past three years a $50 discount.

What you will learn at the Apartment Association's 2016 Landlord Boot Camp

Landlord Boot Camp covers everything that you need to know about residential Landlord Tenant law in Wisconsin, as amended in April 2012 by Act 143 and again in March 2014 by Act 76, including:

1. How to properly screen prospective tenants

2. How to draft written screening criteria to assist you in the selection process

3. How to comply with both federal and state Fair Housing laws including how to comply with “reasonable modifications" and “reasonable accommodations" requests

4. How to legally reject an applicant

5. What rental documents you should be using and why

6. When you should be using a 5-day notice versus a 14-day notice, 28-day notice, or 30-day notice and how to properly serve the notice on your tenant

7. Everything you wanted to know (and probably even more than you wanted to know) about the Residential Rental Practices (ATCP 134) and how to avoid having to pay double damages to your tenant for breaching ATCP 134

8. When you are legally allowed to enter your tenant's apartment

9. How to properly draft an eviction summons and complaint

10. What to do to keep the commissioner from dismissing your eviction suit

11. What you can legally deduct from a security deposit

12. How to properly draft a security deposit transmittal / 21 day letter

13. How to handle pet damage

14. What to do with a tenant's abandoned property and how this may affect whether or not you file an eviction suit

15. How to pursue your ex-tenant for damages to your rental property and past due rent (and whether it is even worth it to do so)

There will also be an ample question and answer period. This alone is worth the admission.. . . and much more.

Both of last year's AASEW Landlord Boot Camp were filled to capacity. So call early to reserve your spot.

Call the Association at (414) 276-7378 or email us at or sign up online at today to reserve your spot.

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AASEW, Seminars, Landlord Boot Camp Tristan R. Pettit, Esq. AASEW, Seminars, Landlord Boot Camp Tristan R. Pettit, Esq.

SEMINAR: AASEW'S Fall Landlord Boot Camp Will Be Held on October 17th

The AASEW's Fall Landlord Boot Camp is just around the corner. Can you believe that this will be our 12th Boot Camp seminar? Landlording can be pretty complex, with a seemingly never ending myriad of paperwork, rules, landlord-tenant laws and simple mistakes that can cost you thousands.The Apartment Association of Southeastern Wisconsin's 12th “Landlord Boot Camp" can help you navigate these treacherous waters and learn how to ...

The AASEW's Fall Landlord Boot Camp is just around the corner. Can you believe that this will be our 12th Boot Camp seminar?

Landlording can be pretty complex, with a seemingly never ending myriad of paperwork, rules, landlord-tenant laws and simple mistakes that can cost you thousands.

The Apartment Association of Southeastern Wisconsin's 12th “Landlord Boot Camp" can help you navigate these treacherous waters and learn how to run your properties with greater profit and less hassles.

Who: Taught by Attorney Tristan Pettit, who drafts many of the landlord tenant forms for Wisconsin Legal Blank.

Attorney Tristan Pettit has given similar landlord-tenant law seminars to fellow attorneys, landlords, and property manager organizations that charge their members $300-$400. This is your opportunity to learn all of the same information at a huge discount through the Apartment Association

When: October 17, 2015 Saturday 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM Registration opens at 7:00 AM

Where: Clarion Hotel 5311 S. Howell Avenue, Milwaukee [Map]

Included: 100 plus page manual to help you put what you learn into practice.


  • Members $159
  • Non-Members $249

Specials: Not a member? Pay just $1 more than the non member price and receive both the Boot Camp and an AASEW membership for the remainer of 2015 including member discounts at Home Depot, Sherwin Williams and more.

Wisconsin landlord-tenant laws are constantly changing. To help keep you up to date those who attended in the past three years a $50 discount.

What you will learn at the Apartment Association's 2015 Landlord Boot Camp

Landlord Boot Camp covers everything that you need to know about residential Landlord Tenant law in Wisconsin, as amended in April 2012 by Act 143 and again in March 2014 by Act 76, including:

1. How to properly screen prospective tenants

2. How to draft written screening criteria to assist you in the selection process

3. How to comply with both federal and state Fair Housing laws including how to comply with “reasonable modifications" and “reasonable accommodations" requests

4. How to legally reject an applicant

5. What rental documents you should be using and why

6. When you should be using a 5-day notice versus a 14-day notice, 28-day notice, or 30-day notice and how to properly serve the notice on your tenant

7. Everything you wanted to know (and probably even more than you wanted to know) about the Residential Rental Practices (ATCP 134) and how to avoid having to pay double damages to your tenant for breaching ATCP 134

8. When you are legally allowed to enter your tenant's apartment

9. How to properly draft an eviction summons and complaint

10. What to do to keep the commissioner from dismissing your eviction suit

11. What you can legally deduct from a security deposit

12. How to properly draft a security deposit transmittal / 21 day letter

13. How to handle pet damage

14. What to do with a tenant's abandoned property and how this may affect whether or not you file an eviction suit

15. How to pursue your ex-tenant for damages to your rental property and past due rent (and whether it is even worth it to do so)

There will also be an ample question and answer period. This alone is worth the admission.. . . and much more.

Last year's AASEW Landlord Boot Camp was filled to capacity. So call early to reserve your spot.

Call the Association at (414) 276-7378 or email us at or sign up online at today to reserve your spot.

Remember that “landlording" is a business — so take the time to educate yourself on how to better manage your business and avoid costly errors!

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AASEW, Seminars, Landlord Boot Camp Tristan R. Pettit, Esq. AASEW, Seminars, Landlord Boot Camp Tristan R. Pettit, Esq.

AASEW's 11th Landlord Boot Camp will be held on February 21, 2015

I hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday season. Now that the holidays are behind us it is time to get back to work : ) Toward that end, the AASEW has announced the details of its 11th Landlord Boot Camp.Landlording can be pretty complex, with a seemingly never ending myriad of paperwork, rules, landlord-tenant laws and simple mistakes that can cost you thousands. The

I hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday season. Now that the holidays are behind us it is time to get back to work : ) Toward that end, the AASEW has announced the details of its 11th Landlord Boot Camp.

Landlording can be pretty complex, with a seemingly never ending myriad of paperwork, rules, landlord-tenant laws and simple mistakes that can cost you thousands.

The Apartment Association of Southeastern Wisconsin's 11th “Landlord Boot Camp" can help you navigate these treacherous waters and learn how to run your properties with greater profit and less hassles.

Who: Taught by Attorney Tristan Pettit, who drafts many of the landlord tenant forms for Wisconsin Legal Blank.

Attorney Tristan Pettit has given similar landlord-tenant law seminars to fellow attorneys, landlords, and property manager organizations that charge their members $300-$400.This is your opportunity to learn all of the same information at a huge discount through the Apartment Association

When: February 21st, 2015 Saturday 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM Registration opens at 7:00 AM

Where: Clarion Hotel 5311 S. Howell Avenue, Milwaukee [Map]

Included: 100 plus page manual to help you put what you learn into practice.


  • Members $159
  • Non-Members $249

Specials: Not a member? Pay just $1 more than the non member price and receive both the Boot Camp and an AASEW membership for the remainer of 2015 including member discounts at Home Depot, Sherwin Williams and more.

Wisconsin landlord-tenant laws are constantly changing. To help keep you up to date those who attended in the past three years a $50 discount.

What you will learn at the Apartment Association's 2015 Landlord Boot Camp

Landlord Boot Camp covers everything that you need to know about residential Landlord Tenant law in Wisconsin, as amended in April 2012 by Act 143 and again in March 2014 by Act 76, including:

1. How to properly screen prospective tenants

2. How to draft written screening criteria to assist you in the selection process

3. How to comply with both federal and state Fair Housing laws including how to comply with “reasonable modifications" and “reasonable accommodations" requests

4. How to legally reject an applicant

5. What rental documents you should be using and why

6. When you should be using a 5-day notice versus a 14-day notice, 28-day notice, or 30-day notice and how to properly serve the notice on your tenant

7. Everything you wanted to know (and probably even more than you wanted to know) about the Residential Rental Practices (ATCP 134) and how to avoid having to pay double damages to your tenant for breaching ATCP 134

8. When you are legally allowed to enter your tenant's apartment

9. How to properly draft an eviction summons and complaint

10. What to do to keep the commissioner from dismissing your eviction suit

11. What you can legally deduct from a security deposit

12. How to properly draft a security deposit transmittal / 21 day letter

13. How to handle pet damage

14. What to do with a tenant's abandoned property and how this may affect whether or not you file an eviction suit

15. How to pursue your ex-tenant for damages to your rental property and past due rent (and whether it is even worth it to do so)

There will also be an ample question and answer period. This alone is worth the admission.. . . and much more.

Last year's AASEW Landlord Boot Camp was filled to capacity. So much so we even had to turn a few people away. So call early to reserve your spot.

Call the Association at (414) 276-7378 or email us at or sign up online at today to reserve your spot.

Remember that “landlording" is a business — so take the time to educate yourself on how to better manage your business and avoid costly errors!

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AASEW, Seminars, Landlord Boot Camp Tristan R. Pettit, Esq. AASEW, Seminars, Landlord Boot Camp Tristan R. Pettit, Esq.

Landlord Boot Camp Is Just Around The Corner - October 4, 2014.

The AASEW's ever popular Landlord Boot Camp is just around the corner. It will be held on Saturday, October 4, 2014 from 8:30 am - 5:30 pm at the Clarion Hotel located near the airport.At this Fall's Boot Camp I will be updating everyone on how the courts have been handling and interpreting all of the law changes since Act 76 was passed back in March of this year.I ...

The AASEW's ever popular Landlord Boot Camp is just around the corner. It will be held on Saturday, October 4, 2014 from 8:30 am - 5:30 pm at the Clarion Hotel located near the airport.

At this Fall's Boot Camp I will be updating everyone on how the courts have been handling and interpreting all of the law changes since Act 76 was passed back in March of this year.

I will also address numerous other of topics that will help you navigate Wisconsin's complex landlord - tenant laws. Learn how to run your properties with greater profit while staying out of trouble. Landlording can be pretty complex, with a seemingly never ending myriad of paperwork, rules, landlord-tenant laws and simple mistakes that can cost you thousands.

Some of the other topics that will be covered include:

1) How to properly screen prospective tenants

2) How to draft written screening criteria to assist you in the tenant selection process

3) How to comply with both federal and state Fair Housing laws including how to comply with “reasonable modifications" and “reasonable accommodations" requests

4) How to legally reject an applicant

5) What rental documents you should be using and why

6) When you should be using a 5-day notice versus a 14-day notice, 28-day notice, or 30-day notice and how to properly serve the notice on your tenant

7) Everything you wanted to know (and probably even more than you wanted to know) about the Residential Rental Practices (ATCP 134) and how to avoid having to pay double damages to your

tenant for breaching ATCP 134

8) When you are legally allowed to enter your tenant's apartment

9) How to properly draft an eviction summons and complaint

10) What to do to keep the commissioner or judge from dismissing your eviction lawsuit

11) What you can legally deduct from a security deposit

12) How to properly draft a security deposit transmittal ("21 day") letter

13) How to handle pet damage

14) What to do with a tenant's abandoned property and how this may affect whether or not you file an eviction suit

15) How to pursue your ex-tenant for damages to your rental property and past due rent (and whether it is even worth it to do so)

There will also be time for "Q&A" and Lunch is included!

If that is not enough you will also receive a manual that is over 100 pages that includes all of Tristan's outlines on the various topics and various forms.

Who: Taught by Attorney Tristan Pettit, who drafts the landlord tenant forms for Wisconsin Legal Blank.

When: Saturday, October 4, 2014 from8:30 AM – 5:30 PM ---- Registration opens at 7:00 AM

Where: Clarion Hotel 5311 S. Howell Avenue, Milwaukee [Map]

Price: AASEW Members only $159 . Non AASEW Members - $249

Register: Go to and you can register online and read prior attendees testimonials.

Last year's AASEW Landlord Boot Camp was filled to capacity. So much so we even had to turn a few people away. So register early to reserve your spot

I hope to see everyone there.


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AASEW, Seminars, Landlord Boot Camp Tristan R. Pettit, Esq. AASEW, Seminars, Landlord Boot Camp Tristan R. Pettit, Esq.

Only 7 Days Left To Sign Up For Landlord Boot Camp on March 8th

There are just 7 days left to register for Landlord Boot Camp!!!Come learn about Wisconsin's new Landlord Tenant law – Act 76 – plus everything else you need to know about Landlord-Tenant law in Wisconsin.The Apartment Association of Southeastern Wisconsin's 9th “Landlord Boot Camp" can help you navigate these treacherous waters and learn how to run your properties with greater profit and less hassles.Who: ...

There are just 7 days left to register for Landlord Boot Camp!!!

Come learn about Wisconsin's new Landlord Tenant law – Act 76 – plus everything else you need to know about Landlord-Tenant law in Wisconsin.

The Apartment Association of Southeastern Wisconsin's 9th “Landlord Boot Camp" can help you navigate these treacherous waters and learn how to run your properties with greater profit and less hassles.

Who: Taught by Attorney Tristan Pettit, who drafts the landlord tenant forms for Wisconsin Legal Blank

When: March 8th, 2014 Saturday 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM Registration opens at 7:00 AM

Where: Clarion Hotel 5311 S. Howell Avenue, Milwaukee [Map]

Included: 100 plus page manual to help you put what you learn into practice.

Price: Members $159. Non-Members $249

You will also receive lunch.

Specials: Not a member? Pay just $1 more than the non-member price and receive both the Boot Camp and an AASEW membership for the remainder of 2014 including member discounts at Home Depot, Sherwin Williams and more.

Wisconsin landlord-tenant laws are constantly changing and with Act 76 becoming effect on March 1st --- the law has had some significant changes.

What you will learn at the Apartment Association's 2014 Landlord Boot Camp:

Landlord Boot Camp covers everything that you need to know about residential Landlord Tenant law in Wisconsin, as amended in March 2012 by Act 143 and again in March 2013 with the passage of Act 76, including:

  1. How to properly screen prospective tenants.
  2. How to draft written screening criteria to assist you in the selection process.
  3. How to comply with both federal and state Fair Housing laws including how to comply with “reasonable modifications" and “reasonable accommodations" requests.
  4. How to legally reject an applicant.
  5. What rental documents you should be using and why.
  6. When you should be using a 5-day notice versus a 14-day notice, 28-day notice, or 30-day notice and how to properly serve the notice on your tenant.
  7. Everything you wanted to know (and probably even more than you wanted to know) about the Residential Rental Practices (ATCP 134) and how to avoid having to pay double damages to your tenant for breaching ATCP 134.
  8. When you are legally allowed to enter your tenant's apartment.
  9. How to properly draft an eviction summons and complaint.
  10. What to do to keep the commissioner or judge from dismissing your eviction suit.
  11. What you can legally deduct from a security deposit.
  12. How to properly draft a security deposit transmittal ("21 Day") letter
  13. How to handle pet damage.
  14. What to do with a tenant's abandoned property and how this may affect whether or not you file an eviction suit.
  15. How to pursue your ex-tenant for damages to your rental property and past due rent (and whether it is even worth it to do so).
  16. Who can appear in court to handle an eviction as of March 1st.
  17. What language you must have in your rental agreement starting March 1st or risk a court declaring it void and unenforceable.

Last year's AASEW Landlord Boot Camp was filled to capacity. So call early to reserve your spot.

The easiest way to register is to do so online at or you can call the Association at (414) 276-7378 or email them today to reserve your spot.

Hope to see many of you there.


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JUST ANNOUNCED: AASEW's Next Landlord Boot Camp - Saturday, March 8, 2014

Landlording can be pretty complex, with a seemingly never ending myriad of paperwork, rules, landlord-tenant laws and simple mistakes that can cost you thousands.The Apartment Association of Southeastern Wisconsin's 9th “Landlord Boot Camp" can help you navigate these treacherous waters and learn how to run your properties with greater profit and less hassles.Who: Taught by Attorney Tristan Pettit, ...

Landlording can be pretty complex, with a seemingly never ending myriad of paperwork, rules, landlord-tenant laws and simple mistakes that can cost you thousands.

The Apartment Association of Southeastern Wisconsin's 9th “Landlord Boot Camp" can help you navigate these treacherous waters and learn how to run your properties with greater profit and less hassles.

Who: Taught by Attorney Tristan Pettit, who drafts the landlord tenant forms for Wisconsin Legal Blank

When: March 8th, 2014 Saturday 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM Registration opens at 7:00 AM

Where: Clarion Hotel 5311 S. Howell Avenue, Milwaukee [Map]

Included: 100 plus page manual to help you put what you learn into practice.

Price: Members $159. Non-Members $249

Specials: Not a member? Pay just $1 more than the non member price and receive both the Boot Camp and an AASEW membership for the remainer of 2014 including member discounts at Home Depot, Sherwin Williams and more.

Dog Tags Boot camp Dog Tags Boot camp Dog Tags Boot camp Dog Tags Boot camp

Wisconsin landlord-tenant laws are constantly changing. To help keep you up to date we offer prior attendees a $50 discount.

What you will learn at the Apartment Association's 2014 Landlord Boot Camp

Landlord Boot Camp covers everything that you need to know about residential Landlord Tenant law in Wisconsin, as amended in March 2012 by Act 143 and again in March 2013 with the passage of Act 76, including:

  1. How to properly screen prospective tenants.
  2. How to draft written screening criteria to assist you in the selection process.
  3. How to comply with both federal and state Fair Housing laws including how to comply with “reasonable modifications" and “reasonable accommodations" requests.
  4. How to legally reject an applicant.
  5. What rental documents you should be using and why.
  6. When you should be using a 5-day notice versus a 14-day notice, 28-day notice, or 30-day notice and how to properly serve the notice on your tenant.
  7. Everything you wanted to know (and probably even more than you wanted to know) about the Residential Rental Practices (ATCP 134) and how to avoid having to pay double damages to your tenant for breaching ATCP 134.
  8. When you are legally allowed to enter your tenant's apartment.
  9. How to properly draft an eviction summons and complaint.
  10. What to do to keep the commissioner from dismissing your eviction suit.
  11. What you can legally deduct from a security deposit.
  12. How to properly draft a security deposit transmittal ("21 Day") letter
  13. How to handle pet damage.
  14. What to do with a tenant's abandoned property and how this may affect whether or not you file an eviction suit.
  15. How to pursue your ex-tenant for damages to your rental property and past due rent (and whether it is even worth it to do so).
  16. An ample question and answer period. This alone is worth the admission. . . . and much more.

You get all this for less than you would pay for an hour of an attorney's time.

Last year's AASEW Landlord Boot Camp was filled to capacity. So call early to reserve your spot.

The easiest way to register is to do so online at or you can call the Association at (414) 276-7378 or email them today to reserve your spot.

Hope to see many of you there.


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Why I Am So Excited About This Saturday's AASEW Landlord Boot Camp

I am really excited about this Saturday's AASEW Landlord Boot Camp. Why you ask? Well let me tell you.Just last week the Senate in Madison passed SB 179 which is a very large and sweeping revision to much of landlord-tenant law in Wisconsin. This bill not only cleans up the unintended consequences of last years Act 143, it also makes some major changes such as:- Applies the ...

I am really excited about this Saturday's AASEW Landlord Boot Camp. Why you ask? Well let me tell you.

Just last week the Senate in Madison passed SB 179 which is a very large and sweeping revision to much of landlord-tenant law in Wisconsin. This bill not only cleans up the unintended consequences of last years Act 143, it also makes some major changes such as:

- Applies the new streamlined abandoned property law to evictions

- Allows the towing of vehicles on private property without the need for a citation to be issued first

- Prevents municipalities from requiring landlords to distribute information or report information to the government that is not required by state or federal law

- Allows non-lawyers to appear in court to represent their LLC's in eviction and other small claims actions

- It speeds up the eviction process - requiring the court to hear and complete an eviction trial within 20 days of the return date

- Allows property management companies or another agent of the owner to file evictions on behalf of their clients/owners

- Clears up the confusion regarding evicting a tenant that was involved in criminal activity

This bill has not yet been signed into law, but barring a veto from Governor Walker -- which is not anticipated -- it will become law very soon. SB 179 will help landlords and good law-abiding tenants alike.

So the reason I am so excited about this Saturday's Boot Camp is because it will be the 1st opportunity I have to teach landlords and property managers about the new changes.

SB 179 is a very comprehensive law. I just completed my outline this past weekend and boy there is a lot of information to cover.

If you are interested in learning about this new bill as well as the 7 other large topics that I will be teaching (including: the judicial eviction process, causes for eviction, security deposit issues, screening applicants, rental documents and much much more) at this Fall's Boot Camp -- please go to and sign up as there are still a few spots left!

I hope to see many of you there.


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AASEW, Legislation, Seminars, Landlord Boot Camp Tristan R. Pettit, Esq. AASEW, Legislation, Seminars, Landlord Boot Camp Tristan R. Pettit, Esq.

AASEW's Landlord Boot Camp On October 26th To Address New Landlord Tenant Law Soon To Be Passed

Be the first on your block to learn about the new Landlord-Tenant law which is expected to be passed later this month!The AASEW's popular Landlord Boot Camp will address the ins and outs of the new law (currently referred to as Senate Bill 179) on Saturday, October 26, 2013 from 8:30 am - 5:30 ...

Be the first on your block to learn about the new Landlord-Tenant law which is expected to be passed later this month!

The AASEW's popular Landlord Boot Camp will address the ins and outs of the new law (currently referred to as Senate Bill 179) on Saturday, October 26, 2013 from 8:30 am - 5:30 pm at the Clarion Hotel located near the airport. You will not want to miss this seminar.

Besides teching you about the new law, Attorney Tristan Pettit will also address numerous other of topics that will help you navigate Wisconsin's complex landlord - tenant laws. Learn how to run your properties with greater profit while staying out of trouble. Landlording can be pretty complex, with a seemingly never ending myriad of paperwork, rules, landlord-tenant laws and simple mistakes that can cost you thousands.

Some of the other topics that will be covered include:

1) How to properly screen prospective tenants

2) How to draft written screening criteria to assist you in the tenant selection process

3) How to comply with both federal and state Fair Housing laws including how to comply with “reasonable modifications" and “reasonable accommodations" requests

4) How to legally reject an applicant

5) What rental documents you should be using and why

6) When you should be using a 5-day notice versus a 14-day notice, 28-day notice, or 30-day notice and how to properly serve the notice on your tenant

7) Everything you wanted to know (and probably even more than you wanted to know) about the Residential Rental Practices (ATCP 134) and how to avoid having to pay double damages to your

tenant for breaching ATCP 134

8) When you are legally allowed to enter your tenant's apartment

9) How to properly draft an eviction summons and complaint

10) What to do to keep the commissioner or judge from dismissing your eviction lawsuit

11) What you can legally deduct from a security deposit

12) How to properly draft a security deposit transmittal ("21 day") letter

13) How to handle pet damage

14) What to do with a tenant's abandoned property and how this may affect whether or not you file an eviction suit

15) How to pursue your ex-tenant for damages to your rental property and past due rent (and whether it is even worth it to do so)

There will also be time for "Q&A" and Lunch is included!

If that is not enough you will also receive a manual that is over 100 pages that includes all of Tristan's outlines on the various topics and various forms.

Who: Taught by Attorney Tristan Pettit, who drafts the landlord tenant forms for Wisconsin Legal Blank.

When: Saturday, October 26, 2013 from 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM ---- Registration opens at 7:00 AM

Where: Clarion Hotel 5311 S. Howell Avenue, Milwaukee [Map]

Price: AASEW Members only $159 . Non AASEW Members - $249 Sorry, no registrations accepted after 5 PM on October 23rd, 2013

Register: Go to and you can register online and read prior attendees testimonials.

I hope to see everyone there.


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