SSN Validator: Free Website That Allows You to Verify A Social Security Number

I attended last night's AASEW monthly meeting which featured Kathy Huens of Landlord Services, LLC as the main speaker. Landlord Services, LLC is a company that provides credit reports to landlords to assist them in the screening process of rental applicants. Landlord Services, LLC is a business member of the AASEW and comes highly reccomended. During Kathy's speech she alerted the audience to a website that allows you to verify certain information regarding a person's social security number.

SSN Validator allows you to input a person's social security number and will then provide you with basic information such as:

- Has that SSN been issued or not,

- Approximate date when the SSN was issued,

- State in which the SSN was issued,

- Whether or not the person that was issued that SSN is deceased.

This website is completely free. I have added this site to my list of websites to assist you during the screening process. Use of this website will certainly assist a landlord in determining whether or not a SSN supplied by a prospective tenant is valid. For instance if the applicant appears to be between the age range of 20-30 years old and the SSN Validator indicates that the SSN was issued in 1950 -- you now have a red flag and will need to do some more due dilligence on that applicant. Or suppose that after inputting the rental applicant's SSN you are notified that the person to whom that SSN was issued is deceased - you have now been alerted to the possibility that your applicant has assumed another's identity.

I love free tools that assist me in evaluating my rental applicants. Thanks Kathy!

Tristan R. Pettit, Esq.

Tristan is the President of Pettit Law Group and focuses his practice in the area of landlord-tenant law representing landlords and property management companies throughout Wisconsin.


AASEW Has New Online Forum at


AASEW'S Annual Landlord Tradeshow To Be Held On September 16th at Serb Hall