Newly Revised 5-Day Notice To Pay Rent or Vacate Now Available at Wisconsin Legal Blank

As many of you know I am the author of the set of Landlord-Tenant forms that are sold at Wisconsin Legal Blank Co., Inc. I am currently in the process of reviewing and updating all of the L-T forms as well as creating a few new ones. At this time however, I wanted to alert you that the revised 5-Day Notice to Pay Rent or Vacate is now available for sale at WLB.

Essentailly the revisions to the Notice include the following:

- I have added language that states that the tenant will still be in default and subject to eviction if they make only a partial payment and/or make a full payment after the 5 day cure period has elapsed. It is my hope that by adding this language it will better protect a landlord that accepts a partial payment or late payment from having their eviction lawsuit dismissed based on a legal theory called "waiver."

NOTE: The best way to avoid a "waiver" arguement is to not accept any partial payment or any payment that is made after the 5 day period has elapsed. Having said that, I am aware that it is very difficult for a landlord to turn away money that s/he is almost certain to never see again if the landlord is evicting a tenant. So if you decide that you want to keep the partial or late payment then the next best option to avoid the tenant prevailing on a "waiver" argument is to place the payment in escrow -- do not cash the check!! -- and send the tenant a letter --- which I refer to as a "No Waiver" letter --- which essentially says that the landlord has received the partial or late payment and that the money will be held in escrow until after the court has decided whether or not to grant the eviction. The 'No Waiver" letter should also state that the money will be appplied to any past due amounts owed after the eviction has been decided and that by holding the money in escrow the landlord is not waiving his/her right to continue with the eviction against the tenant and that it is the landlord's intent to proceed with the eviction and have the tenant evicted. The new language added that has been added to the revised 5-Day Notice now available at WLB has been added as a "safety net" should the landlord not follow one of the two options set forth above.

- I have referenced the applicable Wisconsin Statutes regarding 5 day notices.

- I have made a few other grammatical changes.

I will be sure and let you know when other updated landlord-tenant forms are available at WLB.

Tristan R. Pettit, Esq.

Tristan is the President of Pettit Law Group and focuses his practice in the area of landlord-tenant law representing landlords and property management companies throughout Wisconsin.




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