Less Than 1 Month Left Until Landlord Boot Camp on October 7, 2017

Hello Everyone –

There is less than 1 month left until the next Landlord Boot Camp which is scheduled for October 7, 2017. I hope to see many of you there.

One new topic that we will be addressing is e-filing your evictions and collection lawsuits. E-filing has been required for most Wisconsin counties for several months now and it is now required in Milwaukee County as well as of September 1st.

If you have never had to e-file your eviction or collection lawsuit – do not worry, by the end of Boot Camp you will be a pro.

To sign up now you can call or email Kathy at (414) 276-7378 or membership@AASEW.org or sign up online at www.LandlordBootCamp2017.com

Below are more details about the event.



The Apartment Association of Southeastern Wisconsin's Landlord Boot Camp can help you navigate these treacherous waters and learn how to run your properties with less hassles.

WHO: Taught by Attorney Tristan R. Pettit of Petrie + Pettit S.C.

Attorney Tristan Pettit has given similar landlord-tenant law seminars to fellow attorneys, landlords, and property management organizations that charge their members $400-$500. This is your opportunity to learn all of the same information at a huge discount through the Apartment Association.

WHEN: October 7, 2017 from 8:30 am - 5 pm. Q+A from 5 pm - 6 pm

Registration opens at 7:10 AM. The seminar will run from 8:30 am to 5 pm with a half hour lunch break. There will be a one hour question and answer session afterwards, ending promptly at 6 pm. Many will find the Q&A invaluable, therefore you may wish to make arrangements to stay until 6 pm.

WHERE: Clarion Hotel at 5311 S. Howell Ave in Milwaukee.


• 100 plus page manual to help you put what you learn into practice.



• AASEW Members $179

• Non-Members $297

SPECIALS: Not an AASEW member? Pay just $1 more than the non-member price ($298) and receive both attendance at Boot Camp and a 12 month general membership at the AASEW, which includes discounts at Home Depot, Sherwin Williams and more.

Wisconsin landlord-tenant laws are constantly changing. To help keep you up to date those who attended in the past three years receive a $40 discount.

What you will learn at the Apartment Association's Fall 2017 Landlord Boot Camp:

Landlord Boot Camp covers everything that you need to know about residential Landlord Tenant law in Wisconsin, as amended in March 2012 by Act 143, in March 2014 and again in March 2016 with the passage of ACT 176, including:

1. How to properly screen prospective tenants

2. How to draft written screening criteria to assist you in the selection process

3. How to comply with both federal and state Fair Housing laws including how to comply with “reasonable modifications" and “reasonable accommodations" requests

4. How to legally reject an applicant

5. What rental documents you should be using and why

6. When you should be using a 5-day notice versus a 14-day notice, 28-day notice, or 30-day notice and how to properly serve the notice on your tenant The Wisconsin Eviction Notices have changed and improved under Act 176, enacted in March 2016

7. Everything you wanted to know (and probably even more than you wanted to know) about the Residential Rental Practices (ATCP 134)


Tristan R. Pettit, Esq.

Tristan is the President of Pettit Law Group and focuses his practice in the area of landlord-tenant law representing landlords and property management companies throughout Wisconsin.


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