Landlords Should Attend EPA Lead Renovation Meeting On Feb. 15th

The Bad News: Those of you who have been following along on this list have heard about the new EPA Law, beginning April 22, 2010, that regulates any renovation work that disturbs 6 sq. ft. or more of paint per room, 20 sq. ft. or more of exterior paint, or involves windows. This law specifically includes rental property owners, management companies and their employees. Your workers and company will need certification as well as changing your work practices.

This law will increase the cost of doing work as well as subject violators to fines of up to $32,500 per day/violation.. You really don't want to make a mistake here.

The Good News: Steve Antholt of the Wisconsin Department of Health (The people who will enforce this law in WI) has agreed to be at the AASEW's Monday general meeting to talk about the new EPA Law and the state companion rule Wisconsin Lead-Safe Renovation Rule, DHS 163. He will explain why it is important, and what steps Rental Property Owners and Managers need to take to comply.

The Better News: Steve has agreed to answer any and all questions that we may have on how to comply and keep our butts out of trouble.

The Alternative: If all this makes you want to be rid of your properties... this Monday's meeting will be the first to feature the new Traders' Corner! Beginning February every month prior to our General Membership meetings our Traders' Corner will meet to give members the opportunity to talk about their real estate needs.

Join us Monday, February 15th 6:30 p.m if you wish to participate in the Trader's Corner and 7:00 p.m. for the general meeting featuring Steve Anholt of DHFS

Where: Best Western, 1005 South Moorland Road, Brookfield, WI 53005.

HT to Tim Ballering

Tristan R. Pettit, Esq.

Tristan is the President of Pettit Law Group and focuses his practice in the area of landlord-tenant law representing landlords and property management companies throughout Wisconsin.


LANDLORD BOOT CAMP: Only 4 Open Seats Remain


AASEW's Traders' Corner To Be Introduced on Feb. 15th, Prior to Monthly Membership Meeting.