Landlords Are Allowed, and Even Required, To Provide Answers To A Census Taker About Their Tenants

With the census fast approaching, I have been getting many questions from clients as to whether or not they must provide census workers with information about their tenants.

The short answer to the question is "yes."   If a census taker has attempted to contact and obtain answers to the census questions from your tenant, and been unable to do so, the census taker is allowed to, and in fact is required to, contact the landlord or manager of the rental property to obtain the requested information about your tenant.

Typically, providing personal information about your tenant to a third party is not something that you want to do unless you enjoy being sued ; )  But providing a census worker with the answers to the questions regarding your tenants is one of the few exceptions to this rule.   The Department of Commerce has clearly stated that landlords and property managers of rental property will not be in violation of any privacy laws if they provide the requested information about their tenants to the census taker.  In fact, if a landlord refuses to provide the census worker with the requested information about his/her tenants, s/he may be fined up to $500.

The applicable law is found at Title 13 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Chapter 7, Subchapter II, Sections 221 and 223.

If you just clicked on the above links and attempted to read the two code sections . . . you are a glutton for punishment. The code sections are difficult to read,yet alone understand, and are full of legalese.  I have attempted to summarize the key parts of code sections for you below.

1.   If a census taker is unable to contact the tenant and obtain the census info from the tenant, then the landlord or manager must assist the census employee in answering the census questions regarding their tenants.

2.   The landlord or manager may ask to see the census workers identification before divulging any information.

3.   The first question that the census worker will ask is whether or not the apartment unit was occupied on April 1, 2020.

4.   If the unit was not occupied by anyone on April 1, 2020, then the census worker's questions for you should be done.

5.   Assuming that the unit was occupied on April 1, 2020, then you should provide the census worker with answers to as many of the census questions as possible.  You are not supposed to guess - if you don't know the answer, just say so.

6.   You are not breaking any privacy laws by answering the census taker's questions about your tenants.

7.   You may be fined up to $500 for failing to provide the census taker with the requested information.

In summary, if the census taker is unable to reach your tenant and/or obtain answers to the questions on the census questionnaire form, then you as the landlord or manager are required to assist the census taker by providing him or her with any information that you know.  Failure to do so may result in a $500 fine.

After you are done answering the census taker's questions about your tenant, you may want to talk to your tenant about how important it is to complete their census questionnaire next time -- in part so that you don't have to spend your limited time, doing your tenant's work for him/her ; )

Tristan R. Pettit, Esq.

Tristan is the President of Pettit Law Group and focuses his practice in the area of landlord-tenant law representing landlords and property management companies throughout Wisconsin.


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