LANDLORD BOOT CAMP: Everything You Need To Know About Residential Landlord-Tenant Law in WI

I will be presenting an all-day seminar on residential landlord tenant law in Wisconsin for the Apartment Association of Southeastern Wisconsin, Inc. (AASEW). The seminar is entitled "Landlord Boot Camp" and will take place on Saturday, February 27, 2010 from approx. 8:30 am - 5 pm at the Clarion Hotel located at 5311 S. Howell Avenue in Milwaukee.

The cost will be $159 for AASEW members and $259 for non-members. You will receive a 100 page plus manual. I have given a similar seminar to lawyers, landlords, and property managers over 25 times during the past few years and the organizations that have sponsored these seminars typically charge between $300-$400. This is your opportunity to learn all of the same information at a much discounted price.

I will cover pretty much anything and everything that you need to know about residential Landlord Tenant law in Wisconsin, including:

1. How to properly screen prospective tenants

2. How to draft written screening criteria to assist you in the selection process

3. How to comply with both federal and state Fair Housing laws including how to comply with "reasonable modifications" and "reasonable accomodations" requests

4. How to legally reject an applicant

5. What rental documents you should be using and why

6. When you should be using a 5-day notice versus a 14-day notice, 28-day notice, or 30-day notice and how to properly serve the notice on your tenant

7. Everything you wanted to know (and probably even more than you wanted to know) about the Residential Rental Practices (ATCP 134) and how to avoid having to pay double damages to your tenant for breaching ATCP 134

8. When you are legally allowed to enter your tenant's apartment

9. How to properly draft an eviction summons and complaint

10. What to do to keep the commissioner from dismissing your eviction suit

11. What you can legally deduct from a security deposit

12. How to properly draft a security deposit transmittal / 21 day letter

13. How to handle pet damage

14. What to do with a tenant's abandoned property and how this may affect whether or not you file an eviction suit

15. How to pursue your ex-tenant for damages to your rental property and past due rent (and whether it is even worth it to do so)

. . . and much more.

Hope to see you there.

Call Paulette at (414) 276-7378 or email her at to reserve your seat.

Tristan R. Pettit, Esq.

Tristan is the President of Pettit Law Group and focuses his practice in the area of landlord-tenant law representing landlords and property management companies throughout Wisconsin.


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