Just A Few Days Left to Sign Up for Landlord Boot Camp this Saturday

There are only a few days left to sign up for Landlord Boot Camp which will take place this Saturday, November 4th from 8:30 am - 6 pm

I will be covering everything that you need to know about residential landlord-tenant law in Wisconsin.  We will be covering the all important basics like:

  • Screening and Qualifying the Prospective Applicant and Fair Housing Issues
  • Rental Documents
  • ATCP 134: Residential Rental Practice Rules and Security Deposits
  • Causes for Evictions
  • Notices Terminating Tenancy
  • The Judicial Eviction Process, and
  • Collection of Your Money Judgement

Post pandemic a lot of new issues have popped up which we will also be covering like:

  • The ARES Act and whether your rental property is a "covered property" under the Act and what you must do differently as a result.
  • The new focus at both the federal and state level on "fees" that landlords are charging tenants and how that can cause trouble for landlords.
  • The newer debt collection form that must be used if you are collecting a debt for another
  • The rise in tenant's appearing in court with attorneys and how that is impacting the court process.
  • The issue of sealing (redacting of a tenant's name) in eviction actions, and much more.

There will also be time for Q+A from 5 pm - 6 pm

You will also receive a PDF of my seminar outline and exhibits that is over 100+ pages and which prior attendees have stated is worth the price of admission alone.

I hope that you can spend the day with me this Saturday.

Please note that Landlord Boot Camp is only being offered as an in-person event.  There is no option to attend virtually. 

To learn more and to register for Landlord Boot Camp please go to the Rental Property Association of Wisconsin's web page. 

Tristan R. Pettit, Esq.

Tristan is the President of Pettit Law Group and focuses his practice in the area of landlord-tenant law representing landlords and property management companies throughout Wisconsin.


I Think I Discovered a Fraudulent Tenant, What Can I do?


Now Available for Pre-Order - "THE LANDLORD'S COMPANION: A Comprehensive Handbook on Residential Landlord-Tenant Law in Wisconsin" by Atty. Tristan R. Pettit