I Discovered A Really Informative Blog Devoted To Fair Housing Issues

This past weekend I was trying to think of some ways to add some variety and fun to Tristan's Landlord-Tenant Law Blog. While I feel that my blog is informative and helpful I wish that I could make it more fun. Toward that end I decided that I would spend some time trying some new types of blog posts in the future -- a list post (i.e. Top Ten Reasons To Not Allow Cats in Your Rental Unit, Top Ten Excuses for Paying Rent Late), a video post, a book review post.

Those of you that are regular readers of my blog or those of you that have met me personally may know that I really enjoy learning knew things relating to Landlord-Tenant law. Because of this, I was really excited this past weekend to discover a blog devoted totally to discrimination/Fair Housing issues.

The Fair Housing Blog is published by Attorney Ron Leshnower. He started his blog in 2008 to coincide with the 40th anniversary of the Fair Housing Act. The purpose of his blog, according to his bio, is to explore housing discrimination issues that are important and interesting but do not always get much press.

This blog covers all issues that could possible arise in the Fair Housing context. He talks about all of the protected classes, reasonable modifications and reasonable accomodations for individuals with disabilities, testing, voice profiling, steering, and many more issues. What I like most about this blog is that the author provides links to the actual legal documents that the federal or state government filed against the landlord, property manager, or owner who allegedly violated the law. This allows you to read the actual factual allegations. While many of these lawsuits are resolved without a need for a hearing and therefore there is no written decision necessary, it is still very enlightening to read about what specific situations are egregious enough to cause the government file a lawsuit.

What better way to learn then from other's mistakes. Some of the author's blog posts include links to fair housing studies performed by various municipalities as well as media reports.

If you are interested in Fair Housing issues as I am or just want to learn what type of actions can land you in trouble I would encourage you to spend some time at the Fair Housing Blog.

I have previously posted a three-part series about Fair Housing law that will give you some useful basic information to better understand the Fair Housing Blog. You can read those posts here, here and here.

Tristan R. Pettit, Esq.

Tristan is the President of Pettit Law Group and focuses his practice in the area of landlord-tenant law representing landlords and property management companies throughout Wisconsin.


Finally, Some Legislation That Actually Assists Landlords - Senate Bill 607
