Happy Belated 2nd Birthday to Tristan's Landlord-Tenant Law Blog

I apologize for the recent scarcity of blog posts. I plan on changing that in the near future. Things have been a bit hectic lately -- so hectic in fact that I failed to notice that this blog that you are reading has now turned two years old. I have a toddler on my hands -- look out terrible twos.

I made a big to-do with my post last year celebrating the blog's 1st birthday. No time this year for such a "wordy" post, but I still wanted to let everyone know of the progress over the last year and most importantly to thank you all for your continued support of this blog.

Last year at this time I had 80 subscribers to this blog. This year the subscriber count is up to 187. That means 187 of you get each new blog post delivered directly to your email inbox rather than having to check back periodically to see if a new post is up. If you are interested in subscribing but have not yet done so, just click on the blue tab entitled "subscribe" located under the header/skyline photo, enter your email and click "subscribe."

Last year at this time there were 111 posts. This year there are over 187. Last year there were 233 comments by readers (and my responses); this year we are up to 611 comments.

During the 1st year there were over 17,000 visits to my blog and 42,375 page views. As of today's date we have had over 61,000 visits with over 128,598 pageviews.

Over the last year we had one month with over 4,775 visits. Last year the most visits in a month that we saw wasaround 2,221,

Over the last year I have also made the jump to include video in my blog posts. As much as I hate seeing pictures of myself - yet alone video - my IT vendor says that you must be on uTube these days. Well, I am now officially on uTube . . . but does my voice really sound that nasal? It doesn't sound that way when I hear myself talk : ). If my voice really sounds that bad then a sincere thank you must go out to those of you who have sat through one of my seminars --- I remind myself of those Canadians from the Great White North from when I was a kid.

The top 5 most read blog posts over the past 2 years are:

1. Late Fees, Part 1: What Amount Can You Charge?

2. Lead Based Paint Disclosure Forms

3. What Is The LIfe Expectancy of Your Carpet, Refrigerator . . .

4. Security Deposit Trasmittal Letters: How To Draft a Legal 21 Day Letter.

As I mentioned last year, when I first started this blog I didn't know what to expect. The results have been more than I could have imagined at the outset. Thank you once again for your support. Please feel free to let me know of any other topics you would like me to address over the forthcoming year.

Take care


Tristan R. Pettit, Esq.

Tristan is the President of Pettit Law Group and focuses his practice in the area of landlord-tenant law representing landlords and property management companies throughout Wisconsin.


Avoid Homemade Rental Agreements . . . Regardless of What the Tenant Resource Center Tells You


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