Don't Miss DR. RENT at AASEW's Next Meeting on Monday, January 17th!!

On Monday, January 17, 2011 at 7 p.m., John "Dr. Rent" Fischer will be the featured speaker at the AASEW's February membership meeting. John will be presenting his most requested seminar entitled "Top Ten Mistakes That Landlords Make." The meeting will be held at the Best Western Midway Hotel which is located at 1005 S. Moorland Road in Brookfield.

Besides, being a blogging buddy of mine --- John's blog is entitled the Dr. Rent Chronicles --- John is a Wausau area landlord and landlord-tenant law guru, and Past-President og the Wisconsin Apartment Association. John is a very dynamic speaker - you will not want to miss his presentation. His most recent post is a great overview of Rent Certificates.

Here is some more info about John:

John H. Fischer is a Wausau area landlord. He started working part-time with Emmerich & Associates, Inc. in 1993 and since then has worked in nearly every aspect of the real investment field. Although he still works with Emmerich & Associates, managing their non-residential portfolio, in 2006 he purchased the bulk of their residential inventory and founded HelpRent, Co.

Observing a number of old and new landlords going to court and having a hard time because of their lack of understanding of Wisconsin's complicated landlord-tenant laws and procedures, John has been making an effort to educate landlords on the proper way to do things for over a decade. He has taught classes on everything from accounting, to proper management procedures, to landlord-tenant law. He has provided training sessions to a number of local apartment associations as well as the Wisconsin Apartment Association. He offers a series of courses in real estate through the University of Wisconsin Continuing Education program.

John is the past president of the Wausau Area Apartment Association and was the 2010 president of the Wisconsin Apartment Associations. He has degrees in International Business Management as well as Human Resources Management from the UW-Madison School of Business. He is also a graduate of Bryce Harlow Institute for Business and Government Affairs at Georgetown University.

Also known as Dr. Rent, John answers landlord and tenant questions on his weekly radio talk show which can be heard on Thursdays from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. on WNRB-LP 93.3 FM, a local Wausau readio station. He also participates in a number of online forums. He is a feature contributor to WausauBlog and is a featured writed at Citizen Wausau.

I hope to see everyone at the meeting!

Tristan R. Pettit, Esq.

Tristan is the President of Pettit Law Group and focuses his practice in the area of landlord-tenant law representing landlords and property management companies throughout Wisconsin.


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