State Rep. Marlin Schneider has introduced his newest piece of legislation yesterday - Assembly Bill 340. Schneider's newest bill will once again interfere with a landlord's ability to properly screen his/her applicants through CCAP.

First, AB-340 will require most users of CCAP to register and pay an annual fee. Second, It will also require you to inform an applicant if you denied them rental as a result of information you obtained from CCAP and if you fail to do so you can be fined $1,000. Finally, and what bothers me most, is that no pending cases (criminal or civil) will appear on CCAP until after the case has been concluded. So if the person that just applied to rent from you is doing so becasue their current landlord recently filed an eviction against them --- you will not be able to learn this from CCAP --- until it may be too late. You also may not learn until after you have already accepted them as a tenant, that a recent applicant was just charged with the manufacture and distribution of a controlled substance.

You can read AB-340 in its entirety here.

If you would like to read my earlier blog posts on this topic go here and here.

No matter what you do I hope that you will consider contacting both your state representative and state senator and express your strong opposition to this piece of legislation.

Tristan R. Pettit, Esq.

Tristan is the President of Pettit Law Group and focuses his practice in the area of landlord-tenant law representing landlords and property management companies throughout Wisconsin.


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