Another Way That Landlords Can Teach Tenant Roommates the Concept of Joint & Several Liability (and Collect Rent)

I recently received an email from the Gino Zahnd the CEO of a company called Cozy based in the San Franciso area. Gino's company assists landlords in collecting rent and referenced my blog post discussing the concept of "joint and several liability" in which I explain how landlords should treat roommates as "one person" in order to impress upon tenants the concept of joint and several liability. Joint and Several liability is a landlord's best friend and makes life much easier for us. If you are not already treating your tenant roommates as one person then I suggest you start doing so in the near future.

It appears as if Cozy offers a rent payment product to landlords that may assist in the rent collection process especially with roommates. Gino's blog posts mentions some of the practical issues of getting one rent check from several roommates and their product attempts to assist with that. While I have not tried Cozy's product it sounds intersting. If any of my followeres uses it or tries it out in the future please let me know what you think.

Here is the post from Gino that references my blog.


Tristan R. Pettit, Esq.

Tristan is the President of Pettit Law Group and focuses his practice in the area of landlord-tenant law representing landlords and property management companies throughout Wisconsin.


Top 10 Pitfalls That Landlords Should Avoid


Next AASEW Meeting: Dr. Rent's Top Ten Landlording Pitfalls To Avoid - April 15th