AASEW's Next Meeting: How To Buy Rental Property In The New Economy Featuring Joe Dahl - Monday, August 20th

I hope that you all can make it to the next AASEW membership meeting on Monday, August 20th, 2012 starting at 7 PM. Joe Dahl, a young and dynamic local landlord and property manager (and the newest member of the AASEW Board of Directors) will discuss how to successfully invest in real estate in this new economy.

Joe has successfully bought rental property using his own money, bank money, and the city's money under the Neighborhood Stabilization Program. Joe will discuss all of these options and explain how he has been able to successfully own and manage rentals in Milwaukee. Many of Joe's rental properties are located in the Lindsey Heights area of Milwaukee. Lindsey Heights is one of two target areas currently required by the City of Milwaukee's Residential Rental Inspection "pilot" Program requiring landlords to voluntarily submit their rental properties to city inspection and requires them to obtain "landlord licences" in order to continue to rent out their properties. I look forward to hearing Joe's experience with this controversial city program.

Joe's story of investing in local real estate while at the same time assisting in the preservation of Milwaukee's neighborhoods has been covered in local media outlets as well as National Public Radio.

Please join us for Joe's presentation, along with free food and my "educational moment" (a teaser for the AASEW's upcoming Landlord Boot Camp) at 7 pm at the Best Western Midway Hotel which is located at 1005 S. Moorland road in Brookfield. Attendance is free to AASEW members and $25 to any non-member who has previously attended a meeting. Come early and enjoy the free food and network with other landlords and vendors that cater to landlords!!


Tristan R. Pettit, Esq.

Tristan is the President of Pettit Law Group and focuses his practice in the area of landlord-tenant law representing landlords and property management companies throughout Wisconsin.


AASEW Annual Landlord Trade Show - Wednesday September 19, 2012


Landlord Sues the Dish Network For The Costs To Remove Satellite Dishes from His Rental Property -- and Wins