A Short Hiatus
As many of you know, I am about to get married at the ripe old age of 40 this Friday. My fiancee, Nancy, and I will be getting married in Maui and then spending some additional time honeymooning on the islands.
While I initially thought about bringing my netbook with me and posting a blog or two while vacationing, upon deeper reflection I have decided against this --- somehow I don't think that would be a good way to start out my marriage.
As such, I will be taking a short hiatus through the Memorial Day holiday.
Assuming I am not buried beneath a desk of work, voicemails, emails and mail upon my return -- I have never been out of the office for more than 5 days, yet alone 2 weeks as will be the case this time -- it is my plan to resume blogging during the first week of June.
I hope that you all will understand and not forget about this blog during my absence and I look forward to resuming my blogging upon my return as a married man.